

QUALITY - ISO 9001: 2015

The ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system, thanks to the transparent structure of processes and responsibilities forms the basis for modern management. It is an effective tool for monitoring the quality requirements of a modern company.

We have a quality assurance system in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68 / EU (PED), Annex I, par. 4.3 and AD 2000-Merkblatt W 0, as well as EN 764-5, par. 4.2.

ENVIRONMENT - ISO 14001: 2015

Having an ISO 14001: 2015 certified system is an advantage that allows you to effectively compete on the domestic, EU and international market.

DNV GL, Lloyd's Register

We have passed the Lloyd Register and DNV GL certification for oil and gas and maritime solutions.

Teriel Sp. z o.o.

ul. Lipowa 2a
63-800 Gostyń

tel. 65 572 08 20
fax 65 572 08 64 (Secretary)
fax 65 572 08 32 (Purchasing)


NIP: 613-14-57-022

KRS 0000 13 66 70
Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu
Kapitał zakładowy - 1.000.000 zł 

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